
Xsens动作捕捉 今天 130


被动式光学动作捕捉(光学动作捕捉优势)  第1张


passive optical motion capture,简称POMC,是利用光学原理,通过摄像头捕捉标记点运动,从而实现对人体或物体的动作捕捉。相较于其他动作捕捉技术,被动式光学动作捕捉无需使用昂贵的硬件设备,便可实现高精度的动捕效果。那它是如何运作的呢?

passive optical motion capture system consists of several key components:markers,cameras,and processing software. The markers,which are attached to the body or object,reflect light back to the cameras. The cameras then capture these reflections,which are processed by the software to calculate the motion of the markers and thus the motion of the body or object.


被动式光学动作捕捉(光学动作捕捉优势)  第2张

but what about the future of passive optical motion capture?With the increasing demand for realistic virtual characters and immersive experiences,the demand for passive optical motion capture technology is expected to grow. Xsens,with its state-of-the-art motion capture solutions,is well-positioned to lead the way in the development of this exciting technology.

whether you're a developer,filmmaker,or simply curious about motion capture technology,Xsens has something to offer. With its extensive knowledge and expertise in motion capture technology,Xsens is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that empower creators to bring their vision to life.

in conclusion,passive optical motion capture is a fascinating technology with wide-ranging applications. As we continue to explore the boundaries of what's possible,there's no doubt that Xsens will remain at the forefront of innovation,pushing the limits of what can be achieved with motion capture technology.


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