【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用

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【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第1张

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< CAC_实验室 > 驱动系列

不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用


日期:2017年6月24日 – 6月25日

时长:每天6小时(11.00 – 18.00,含午休及下午茶)




工作坊费用:200元/人,含两天课程 (会员半价,点击加入)

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第2张 报名请点击“阅读原文”





在CAC春季“研究与创作学术奖金”获奖艺术家安德烈·波列斯拉夫斯基(Andrej Boleslavsky)的带领下,参与者将在工作坊的实际操作环节对OptiTrack系统进行实验。他们将学习该系统的设置和校准,以及如何在现实生活中的场景中使用该系统的功能。此外,参与者将有机会比较OptiTrack与其他替代性系统。在工作坊的结尾,参与者将体验波列斯拉夫斯基的奖学金项目“捉迷藏”(Hide & Seek)的早期雏形。


# 关键词:OptiTrack,动态捕捉,运动跟踪,Unity,C#,VVVV,标记点(Marker),无人机,VR,3D

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第3张【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第4张

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第5张

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第6张


< 日程安排 >

第一天 | 6月24日,周六


11:00 – 13:00

- 由安德烈·波列斯拉夫斯基(Andrej Boleslavsky)介绍工作坊

- 动态捕捉和运动跟踪入门教学

- OptiTrack系统入门教学




14:00 – 18:00

- 系统设置和校准练习

- OptiTrack在游戏引擎Unity和VVVV中的应用

- 替代性动态捕捉系统的介绍


第二天 | 6月25日,周日

11:00 – 13:00

- 介绍幕后工作原理:NatNet C# SDK软件开发工具包




14:00 – 18:00

- 实时追踪案例

        o   无人机自动化

        o   大型VR应用

        o   使用VR进行3D绘画

- 体验《捉迷藏》游戏装置早起雏形


< 参与者要求 >

1.  人数上限:10人

2.  参与者需自备笔记本电脑,Windows系统最佳,Mac备选

3.  参与者需提前安装Unity系统(必备)和VVVV系统(可选)

4.  此次工作坊面向媒体艺术家、交互设计师、技术人员和程序员,以及有相关经验和基础知识的观众。


【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第7张

安德烈·波列斯拉夫斯基(Andrej Boleslavsky)是一位独立艺术家,致力于新媒体艺术、互动设计、物理计算和3D打印领域中的技术探索。 他的创作中含有一种对自然与技术二者相互纠缠的迷恋。 他曾开发过许多交互式装置,并讲授开源软件、VVVV和Arduino等编程平台方面的知识。 他的作品最近在布拉格Editions of Light Vol.II、苏黎世Poolloop艺术节、布拉格Signal艺术节和Designblok14设计与时尚周、纽约3D打印展和波兰弗罗茨瓦夫WRO艺术节上皆有展出。 除了自己的创作,他同时也积极为其他捷克及国际艺术家寻求技术性问题的解决方法,例如2015年米兰世博会的展品搭建。 


? 更多信息:【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第8张





【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第9张

Powered by <CAC_Lab>

Walking the walk – OptiTrack Motion Tracking for VR and Real-Time

A workshop by Andrej Boleslavsky (Current artist in residence at CAC_Lab)

Date: 2017.6.24 – 6.25

Time: 6 hours/day (11.00 – 13.00, lunch break, 14.00 – 18.00 includes tea break)

Venue: Chronus Art Center

Address: bldg. 18, No.50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai, China

Language: English

Tuition Fee: 200 RMB per person for two days 50% off for CAC members, click here to join)

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第10张 To participate, please click "Read more" at the end of this article.

 About the Workshop 


The two-day workshop explores the professional optical motion tracking system OptiTrack, which is also the technology core for CAC spring Research and Creation Fellowship. This system is the industry accepted platform for analyzing human motion, recording and use in CGI, as well as for gaming and medical imaging. It is also a popular tool for developing real-time location detector and motion based applications. The workshop will bring the participants the basic knowledge and skills of utilizing OptiTrack motion tracking system on robotics tracking, as well as motion and environment capturing.


Led by CAC fellowship artist Andrej Boleslavsky, participants will experiment with the system of OptiTrack, they will learn how to setup and calibrate it and how use the functionalities of the system in a real-life scenarios in a hands-on part of the workshop. Moreover, participants will have a chance to compare the OptiTrack with alternative systems. By the end of the workshop, participants will experience the early prototype of Boleslavsky’s fellowship proposal ZhuoMiCang (Hide & Seek).


# Keywords: OptiTrack, motion capture, motion tracking, Unity, C#, VVVV, marker, drone, VR, 3D


< Structure >

DAY 1 | 24th June 2017, Saturday

11:00 – 13:00

- Briefing by Andrej Boleslavsky about the workshop

- Introduction to motion tracking and capturing

- Introduction to OptiTrack


(Lunch Break)


14:00 – 18:00 

- System setup and calibration exercise

- Implementation of OptiTrack within game engine Unity and VVVV

- Introduction of alternative motion tracking systems


DAY 2 | 25th June 2017, Sunday

11:00 – 13:00

- Behind the scenes, exploring the NatNet C# SDK


(Lunch Break)


14:00 – 18:00

- Real-time tracking examples

        o   Drone automation

        o   Large scale VR

        o   3D painting with VR

-  Experiments with early prototype of Hide&Seek game


< Requirements for participants >

1.  Maximum number of participants: 10

2.  Participants should bring their own laptops, Windows preferred, Mac is optional.

3.  Participants should install Unity in advance, VVVV is optional.

4.  This workshop is designed for media artists, interaction designers, technologists and programmers, and the general public with relevant experience and basic knowledge. 

 About the Artist 

Andrej Boleslavsky is an independent artist purposing technology in the fields of new media art, interactive design, physical computing and 3D printing. His work also maintains a strong fascination with the entanglement of nature and technology. He has developed many interactive installations and lectured on open source software, programming platforms VVVV and Arduino. He lately exhibited at Editions of Light Vol.II in Prague, Poolloop festival in Zürich, Signal festival in Prague, Designblok’14 in Prague, 3D print show in New York and WRO festival in Wroclaw. In addition to his work he is actively involved in technological solutions for other Czech and foreign artists, for instance in installation for Expo Milano 2015.

Andrej Boleslavsky is the artist who has been awarded the third Research/Creation Fellowship of CAC. During his 3-month residency, he will work closely with CAC to realize his project Hide & Seek. More info

 About <CAC_LAB> 

This workshop is part of the Powered by CAC_LAB Series by which CAC_LAB enables dialogues between artists, academics and technologists with unique visions on the field of new media art and currently active in the world of Research and Creation. 

<CAC_LAB> is a space dedicated to the inquiry of present-day matters regarding art, design, science, technology and their impact on global contemporary culture and society. Through artistic practice, technological tools and research methodology, we enable creative processes that result in works of art of high production and academic value. <CAC_LAB> is a space of flux which encourages artistic practice as a generator of new knowledge, a territory where art and science converge into a contemporary and experimental field of academic research; free from main stream cultural thought, technological stress and economical diversions.

More info at: http://lab.chronusartcenter.org

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第11张

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第12张

【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第13张



2017.06.03 – 2017.09.03 ( 周三 - 周日, 11:00-18:00 )



门票:20 元 (每周三免费)

Closed Circuit – Open Duration

Terike Haapoja

2017.06.03 – 2017.09.03 Wednesday - Sunday, 11:00-18:00 )

Chronus Art Center

BLDG.18, No.50 Moganshan RD., Shanghai

Ticket: 20 RMB ( Free admission every Wednesday )



【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第14张


Established in 2013, Chronus Art Center (CAC) is China’s first nonprofit art organization dedicated to the presentation, research / creation and scholarship of media art. CAC with its exhibitions, residency-oriented fellowships, lectures and workshop programs and through its archiving and publishing initiatives, creates a multifaceted and vibrant platform for the discourse, production and dissemination of media art in a global context. CAC is positioned to advance artistic innovation and cultural awareness by critically engaging with media technologies that are transforming and reshaping contemporary experiences. 


【CAC·特别工作坊】不“虚”此行 — OptiTrack动态捕捉技术在虚拟现实中的应用  第15张

The End